Agronomy Alert - we offer several services to make your 2017 season a success.[View our Services today!] Take advantage of summer fill propane prices and contracts for next winter-call 800-233-6679 for details[View our Services today!]Check for plant nutrients with tissue sampling and variable rate technology [read more]Check for plant nutrients with tissue sampling and variable rate technology [read more]Farmers Pride is in the Community with youth scholarships, FFA, 4-H and non-profit organizations [view 2017 Recipients]We are a locally owned cooperative strengthening the well-being of Ag Producers, Employees & their Communities! [read about us]
Welcome to Farmers Pride Cooperative!
Farmers Pride is a locally (Nebraska) owned farm supply and grain marketing cooperative. It was established in Battle Creek, Nebraska as a Creamery Cooperative in 1929. Centered around Norfolk, Nebraska, today the company serves agricultural producers, commercial customers and home owners throughout a 30 county area in northeast Nebraska. A base of approximately 9,200 customers indicates a strong market presence. [read more About Us ]
Fears are increasing that the ILA and USLX will likely not reach an agreement on their current contract that expires Sept. 30, 2024, opening the door for a strike on Oct. 1, 2024.